Scuba Diving Perth WA
Shore Diving
Boy in a Boat Reef Directions
Hillarys' Boat Harbour
- Shore Dive: Groin Dive: Reef Dive.
- Max Depth: 7 meters.
- Dive Conditions: 1m swell, low Easterly winds, swell period less than 11.5 seconds, calm weather on the days prior to dive. Do not dive with a swell greater than 1.5 meters, can become mucky and surgey. Southerly & westerly winds can make the entry and exit a little rough.
- Dive Flag at site: No.

- Whilst Boy in a Boat Reef may appear an easy dive, the entry and exit points are open to additional risk which may be alien to your usual dive routine and, such risks may have the potential to cause severe injury.
By diving here you agree to take all appropriate precautions and actions
to maintain you and your buddys' safety and well being, regardless of
the information contained here.
- Always dive within your own personal limits and if you are not sure..... DO NOT DIVE IT!
- Simple enough get to AQWA, or Hillary's Boat Harbour, ask anyone who has been in Perth for a week or more and they should be able to tell you where it is.
- Ok, just in case you ask the only person in Perth who does not know what you are talking about, Hillary's is North of the River (Swan River) it is approx. 20 minutes from Perths' CBD.
- Take the Mitchell freeway and get off at Hepburn Ave. you can't miss it, as long as you headed to the coast when you came off the freeway, from Perths' CBD that would of been a left hand turn or from either direction WEST.
- Stay on Hepburn for 5 minutes, at the end you will come to two roundabouts, straight over at the first one and take a left onto Southside Dr. F
- Follow signs for AQWA, drive past AQWA (on you left) you will see a walkway overhead, quayside is on your right, drive through there (the walkway not the quay), and you are now behind AQWA, you will find some free car parking spaces at the back of AQWA, just make sure you are not causing any obstruction or parking illegally.
- I cannot Stress enough the importance of reading the comprehensive review of the entry and exits for this site. If you have never dived here before please read the comprehensive section before diving this site. The entry and exits for this site have the potential to cause you severe injury.
Getting Ready & Getting In (Option 1 "The hard way")
- Get
your gear ready and do all your final checks (BWRAF) and make your way along the dusty mainly concreted path to the T' junction, looking at the wall, walk to your right.
- I kid you not this a fair walk, over 300 meters. The entry
spot in the wall is quite obvious as out of all the sand coloured
rocks, bang in the middle of them at the T' junction is this clay brown
coloured boulder. If you look beneath this you can see what was the old
steps in the rock.
- Just help each other up and down, if required pass gear up and down and then gear back up on the wall.... DO NOT FALL OFF !
- Ok
you are now up and looking over the dive site, you are a few meters
from the water and only a 100 meters from the start of the reef.
- You have about 6 - 8 meters of steepish rocks that you have to navigate and obviously gets slippery closer to the water you get, be careful these things can be sharp. Just take your time, and if needed just assist each other down to the waters edge.
Getting Ready & Getting In (Option 2 "The not so hard way")
- Option 2 is pretty much, no walk but, a massive snorkel 400m on a heading of 290 degrees/reciprocal 110 degrees. However the climb up the wall isn't as hard as option 1 and neither is the climb down.
- I do like making obvious statements but please be careful, just because there is a nice set of steps cut into the wall and, an easy slope down to the waters edge that doesn't mean its not dangerous.
- Ok to the best of my knowledge the extra swim will take you between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. You can use visual navigation by lining yourself up with the two large channel markers off in the distance or see the water breaking over the reef. Or you could if you wanted to, snorkel the groin then swim across to the reef from your entry point in Option 1.