Marine Life Identification Perth WA
Shore Diving
A cephalopod is any member of the molluscan class Cephalopoda (Greek plural Κεφαλόποδα (kephalópoda); "head-feet"). These exclusively marine animals are characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a set of arms or tentacles (muscular hydrostats) modified from the primitive molluscan foot... (Wikipedia)
Blue Ringed Octopus
(Hapalochlaena maculosa)
This little fella was taken on a night dive at Ammo Jetty, in approx. 1.5 meters of water and about 10 meters from the shoreline (watch your toes).
The Blue Ringed Octopus was in no distress during this period so it did not show off its illuminous blue rings, however you can see a slight blue colouring to its tentacles.

These things don't grow too big and you can see the size comparison in relation to the wand in image 3.
I have to say I was hoping to get a better photograph of the distance colouring.
These were taken about 1/3 the length down the jetty in an open patch of sand. During the day you may find them under the broken down pylons around the site.

Gloomy Octopus
(Octopus tetricus)
Ammo Jetty is Octopus Alley, with a keen eye you can pretty much see these Gloomy Octopus on every dive.

Right side picture shows this Octopus keeping a tight hold of this fish after a small bit of teasing by my Buddy Owen.

This was an eerie little moment at Ammo Jetty. There were two Octopus that did not change its colouration no matter how close I got, at first I though they were dead, but they were just sitting hugging each other. You can see the second Octopus's tentacle just wrapping around by the left eye. I am still unsure what is happening here, if anything.

As I was about to swim off I noticed a Gloomy Octopus in the hole above it.
I am not sure if these are Octopus eggs or not.

These stunning photographs taken by Mac Calder, showing the incredible diverse colour schemes these creatures are capable of.
I am presuming this is in fact a Gloomy Octopus, if you know differently please let me know.
Photographed on a night dive @ KGT.

Giant Cuttlefish
(Sepia aparma)
These photographs of the Giant Cuttlefish where taken at Robbs Jetty.
Left side photograph is a great little picture, this thing would have blended in beautifully with the sea grass and, I am sure I would of swam straight past if we had not watched it taking shelter.
Middle left photograph taken in May 2011, during this dive and on a couple of other dives around this period, Robbs Jetty was loaded with Cuttlefish.
Middle right photograph taken at Jervoise Bay off Woodmans Point, again the colours of the Giant Cuttlefish are amazing.

Love the eye shot taken at Robbs Jetty and the wonderful colour variation of the one photographed at Point Peron.

Juvenile Giant Cuttlefish
(Sepia aparma)
Obviously a Giant Cuttlefish has to start some where so I am guessing this is just a juvenile Sepia aparma.

Southern Calamary
(Sepioteuthis australis)

Photographs taken on a night dive at MAAC.

This little gem photographed on a night dive at Ammo Jetty.
Unfortunately during this period my strobe had given up the ghost and all photographs had to be taken with a video light, so no the best quality;

These donated by Mac "The Spade" Calder. Shows slight thickening and darkening of bands on the first set, and a more orangey colouring in the second set.

Southern Bobtail Squid aka Southern Dumpling Squid
(Euprymna tasmanica)
Another smasher from my good buddy Alex Farny..... I think this was taken at Kwinana Grain Terminal whilst on a night dive.

Unidentified Dumpling or Bobtail Squid
Big thanks to Mac for donating these as of yet unidentified Dumpling or Bobtail Squid. Photographed at Robbs Jetty.
Any help with identifying this would be great.

Rams Horn Squid
(Spirula spirula)