Marine Life Identification Perth WA
Shore Diving
Sea Hares
The clade Aplysiomorpha, commonly known as Sea hares (Aplysia species and related genera), are medium-sized to very large Opisthobranchia with a soft internal shell made of protein. These are marine gastropod molluscs in the superfamilies Aplysioidea and Akeroidea. The common name "sea hare" derives from their rounded shape and from the two long rhinophores that project upwards from their heads and that somewhat resemble the ears of a hare.
... (Wikipedia)
Sydney Sea Hare
(Aplysia Sydneyensis)
This beautiful little chap or chapess was photographed swimming through Ammo Jettys' pylons.
I could of stayed there for the whole dive but this was a special day as we where taking Michael Myers diving on his 75th birthday, so these photographs are dedicated to him. "May you dive long and prosper".
Reticulated Sea Hare
(Aplysia dactylomela)
Photographs of these Sea Hares taken at Ammo Jetty. I have seen a large Sea Hare on a night dive at Rockingham DT.
What can I say, I was happy when I got the top two photographs as I had only seen a Sea Hare on one night dive before these, and this was my first chance to get a photograph.

It was nearly 2 years between photographs but I think they're just beautiful.
I did not realise Sea Hares' had blue eyes, in fact I was actually sure they had eyes initially. See bottom right.
Photographs taken in 2 meters of water at point Peron, entrance at the bottom of the steps. Actually this is a great little spot for photographs, lots of natural light, lots of creatures hiding in the reef and nice and shallow, close to shore. Wedge Sea Hare aka Eared Sea Hare
(Dolabella auricularia)
Can you see it ?............
This was nearly impossible to see, as you can observe from the first photograph. I sat and watched for a few minutes, as it sat still I questioned whether it was actually a living, breathing animal and, then it started to slowly move.
Due to its camouflaged nature I initially found it very difficult to identify what type of animal this is.

Photographs 5 & 6 taken on a night dive at Robbs Jetty with loads of these Sea Hares doing what I can only describe as Top & Tailing.
Giant Sea Hare
(Aplysia Gigantea)
This was a great moment at Point Peron. This Sea Hare being attacked by an 11 Armed Sea Star. No matter how much the Sea Hare tried the Sea Star was not giving up.
11 Armed Sea Star are known to be predatory animals and I am guessing they have a taste for Hare.

(Aplysia oculifera)
Photograph taken at Point Peron just under the broken limestone reef that travels along the beach by mushroom rock.
I have seen photogrpahs that show this clearly as Aplysia oculifera, and others that show a more distinctive spotting. I am uncertain if this a regional variation or a different Sea hare.
Geographic Sea Hare
(Syphonota geographica)
Photographed on a night dive at Robbs Jetty in approx. 4 meters depth on sandy area, with patchy paddle grass.