Fish Identification Perth WA
Shore Diving
The wrasses are a family, Labridae, of marine fish, many of which are brightly coloured. The family is large and diverse, with over 600 species in 82 genera, which are divided into nine subgroups or tribes. They are typically small fish, with most less than 20 centimetres (7.9 in) long, although the largest, the Hump-head wrasse, can measure up to 2.5 metres (8.2 ft). They are efficient carnivores, feeding on a wide range of small invertebrates. Many smaller wrasses follow the feeding trails of larger fish, picking up invertebrates disturbed by their passing. The word "wrasse" comes via Cornish from the Welsh word gwrach meaning an old woman or hag... (Wikipedia)
Baldchin Groper
(Choerodon rubescens)
Photographs taken at Robbs Jetty, Point Peron and BBR.
Black-Spotted Wrasse
(Austrolabrus maculatus)
Photographed at Robbs Jetty & Gareenup Wreck, I think these are young males.
Bottom two photographs in this section I believe to be females.
During this photograph the fish did not move at all. I don't know if it was my reflection in the fish's eye or whether it was watching me but other than that, it didn't budge an inch, and I did contemplate whether or not it was in fact dead.
Taken at KGT.

Brownfields Wrasse
(Halchoeres brownfieldi)
These Brownfields Wrasse photographs where taken at Robbs Jetty. They are only small fish and are generally inconspicuous around the jetty. I have seen these in small schools but only on a few occasions.
Bottom photographs taken at Point Peron and the Omeo Wreck.

Brown Spotted - Orange Spotted Wrasse
(Notolabrus parilus)
These guys are abundant at Robbs Jetty and Rockingham DT.
The Brown/Orange Spotted Wrasse are apparently quite territorial fish. I have seen them chase other divers and my fins, however at the time it wasn't clear the reason for this.
At Robbs check out the pylons and you will see a lot of the time these Brown -Orange Spotted Wrasse just lying on the pylons.


(Notolabrus parilus)
I hate this fish...... how can you hate a fish... in the 4 years (as I write), that I have been diving, the name of this fish has eluded me.
I initially thought it was a Snakeskin Wrasse, then a female Brown Spotted Wrasse, Weedfish and the list goes on and on. I even had it at least 4 times identified as the Pretty Polly aka Castlenaus Wrasse, but was never confident.
This fish is one of the most abundant
fish on any of the weedy reefs around Perth, they are everywhere, but
unfortunately they are so well camouflaged and blend beautifully with
their surroundings that getting close to these fast and timid things is
at times difficult.

Western King Wrasse
(Coris auricularis)
The Western King Wrasse are always seen at Rockingham DT. I have seen them at Robbs Jetty but not as often and they were also seen on my dive at the reef by Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club (MAAC)


False Senator Wrasse
(Pictilabrus viridis)
Photographed at Trigg Beach, I believe these are female.
Southern Maori Wrasse
(Ophthalmolepis lineolatus)

Blue Throat Rainbow Wrasse
(Suezichthys cyanolaemus)
I love Robbs Jetty always something new to find there.
I hate my new camera at the moment as its just not doing what I was hoping for..... More practice required.
For a long time I had these bottom two as variations of the Black Spotted Wrasse, for obvious reasons.
These are apparently female Blue Throated Rainbow Wrasse.
Again photographed at Robbs Jetty.
Total stab in the dark with the identification of these fish.
I originally thought that these could have been juvenile Maori Wrasse but I have photographs of them and now I am not convinced.
I am wondering whether this is just a variation of a theme.
Like I said a total guess and most probably totally wrong.
Unidentified Wrasse (1)
Snakeskin Wrasse (2-4)
(Eupetrichthys angustipes)
When I first saw this fish (photograph 1) my very first impression was that it looked like a Snakeskin Wrasse and it still maybe, however as I only have one photograph taken locally at Point Peron, and not a great one at that I am currently not 100% sure. You need to excuse the colour quality, novice diver and even more inexperienced photographer...... sorry I mean tourist.
Now photographs 2-4 are definitely of a Snakeskin Wrasse, unfortunately these where taken at Busselton Jetty, a little bit of a stretch to get away with calling these local to Perth. However there does seem some similarities in markings.

(Thalassoma septemfasciatum)
Photographed at Trigg Reef & Elizabeth Reef.

Western Foxfish
(Bodianus frenchii)
This is a rare bird to find at the shoreline. I have only seen this twice, once at BBR and a juvenile at Point Peron.
These photographs taken at Rottnest Isl. as the one from BBR got away and and all I have from PP is about 1/2 a millisecond of blurry video as it darted past.