Navy Pier & Turquoise Bay
Dived in Exmouth in August 2010, have to say after a full days driving (16 hours) the dive break was a bit of a wash out, such is the temperamental nature of Scuba Diving. I did love the drive though.... beautiful and baron at the same time.
Exmouth had no rain or wind for 3 months, Rhiannon and I turn up and, yeah you guessed it, wind, rain and no chance to dive..... typical.
So our first days dive on the reef was a no go and we didn't get the chance to try another day due to our schedule. However we decided to find a somewhat sheltered area from the whether which had slowed a bit by mid-day and did a bit of snorkelling at Turquoise Bay.
Turquoise Bay was a great little place, that had a nice little bit of drift and we just played and floated about. Got some nice little photographs, missed out on a Dolphin that swam right behind us whilst we were exiting........ typical.
Day four we did finally get to dive, we dived the famous Navy Pier through Ningaloo Reef Dreaming, I have to say the staff in the shop were a bit crabby but the guys on the dive were absolutely fantastic 10/10, it was a laugh a minute and a genuine bunch.
Now if you have any desire to dive Navy Pier be prepared for a long laborious day, they pick you up and ferry you about and then spend ages sorting out all the legal documents to dive at the pier. It is still owned by the Americans and Policed by the Aussies so everything has to be spot on including your name, I mean if a letter was missing, or it was spelt with a v and should be a ph etc etc then everything had stop, change the form, yadda yadda yadda... it had to be perfect, loads of rules for what turned out to be an overrated dive on "that" day.
The vis was below average,in part because of the last few days poorish weather and, by the time we had got in it was getting dark on an overcast day. They are cheap with the air (200 bar) and, we did a surface swim instead of a surface drift which absolutely knackered you out so, by the time you got to the descend point you were out of puff . At the descend point they just dropped instead of giving you the chance to compose yourself. We descended and composed ourselves on the bottom but by this time you had sucked all your air.
The only good thing about the dive was that I got to swim for the first time with a Shark, it was a White Tip Reef Shark, apparently they are more scared of us than we are of them...... not bloody likey, well not initially but as we swam towards it, it got scared and swam off, did get a brief few seconds of video though. The fish.... the fish are huge, I just wish it would have all happened in the middle of the day with better vis.
Oh yeah on our way out of the water a whole pod of Dolphins swam behind us.... you guessed it we missed it again.... bloody typical.
Ok have I moaned enough........... would I do it all again.......... absolutely with certain conditions, go earlier in the year around June/July, give ourselves more time just in case the weather changes, dive the Pier earlier as it all depends on tide times and try and get a proper night dive in as well as I imagine it is, when all the conditions are right, a stunning place.
Oh yeah if the tour company offer to pick you up and you have a car, I recommend you decline, ask what time you need to be at the warehouse (not the shop) to kit up and orientation this may cut about 1.5 hours off the day, just make sure you know where you supposed to go and get there on time.

White Tip Reef Shark
Navy Pier: Exmouth